Must have items for cold/flu season

For starters, I’m writing this in a dark bedroom while my sick toddler lies next to me in bed. This was a recommended post idea from a close friend, so I figured what better time to dive in then when I’m in the depths of it all.

Being sick is rough…for everyone. I’m sending you a huge hug if you’ve been dealing with constant illnesses in your family. I was sick just last week and we were all healthy again, well, until we weren’t. Despite the unpredictability of when and how we will get sick, it’s inevitable that we will. Therefore I like to plan accordingly and have items available at our house ready to go so it’s LESS disruptive. There’s nothing quite like being concerned about the well being of your child and not having what you need to care for them or for yourself when you’re feeling poorly.

1. Thermometers: Seems pretty straight forward, however I like to have a few options on hand depending on the illness and age of your child. 

Temporal (forehead) Thermometer: Easy to have with you on the go and provides a contactless way to get someone’s temperature. Ideal for guests and taking a temperature when a child is sleeping without disturbing them. Also, easy to clean. 

iHealth No-Touch Forehead thermometer 

-Rectal Thermometer: Provides the most accurate reading and is used for newborn-3 years. As a nurse and mom I’ve experienced many parents scared to use a rectal thermometer. That’s completely understandable and using one isn’t always necessary. My recommendation is to use a rectal thermometer when your child has a high temperature or you’re determining whether to give medicine or take your child to the doctor/urgent care. It’s always best to get the most accurate reading before starting an intervention. Purchasing one with a stoppage point can help relieve the concern that you might push it in too far.

Vicks Baby Rectal Thermometer : Easy to use and ideal for any parents that are concerned of inserting the tip too far.


VAVA Smart Baby Thermometer: A MUST HAVE that I can’t recommend enough. This FDA Approved, slim axillary thermometer sticks easily to your child (often without them even feeling it there) while they sleep or play for real time temperature monitoring and updates. This prevents you from unnecessarily waking your infant or child in the night to check their temperature. This device has given us peace of mind on those already exhausting days of sickness. You can set up alert parameters so it will alert you if their temperature spikes in the night. No more staying awake nervously staring at them and setting alarms to take their temperature every few hours. *Currently it’s showing out of stock online. I’m going to reach out to the company to check on when they should have more in stock.

  2. Humidifier: When your throat is hurting, you have a bad cough, or are feeling congested, humidified air can be extremely helpful and soothing.

I like to set up the humidifier near my child’s crib or bed (with cords safely secured). That way they are getting the most humidified air possible, without getting things wet around it. Proximity is especially important if you have high ceilings.

Vicks Filter-Free Ultrasonic cool Mist Humidifier– The humidifier we’ve used for years:

3. Saline spray and a nasal aspirator are a MUST!

Babies and toddlers are not skilled at getting mucus out of their nose effectively. A backup of bacteria filled mucus can not only be uncomfortable but also create further issues like a sinus infection. It’s helpful to moisturize their sinuses when the mucus thickens and becomes irritating.

I always keep extra bottles of nasal spray on hand because you never know when a cold is gonna hit. It’s critical to keep in mind that you don’t want to re-use a bottle for multiple cold cycles. Use one bottle, per person, per cold. Unfortunately, this may lead to some waste but you don’t want to re-introduce old bacteria/viruses back into your system.

Boogie Brand Sterile Saline Spray– My favorite spray for young children. They have a scented nozzle option which is genius. Often nasal spray can be a battle with young kids but mine actually asks to use it.

Boogie Micro Mist Saline Inhaler– Something new we recently tried and I was very impressed with how much it reminded me of a nebulizer. It was easy to use and a great option for a kiddo who doesn’t like the saline spray in his nose or is younger.

Boogie Saline Wipes Don’t forget Boogie saline wipes to help prevent skin breakdown by your kiddos’s nose. It’s seems simple, but it makes a huge difference.

Nasal Aspirator One of my must have home and travel items. It has multiple levels of suction, lights, and music. It’s easy to clean, comes with a travel/storage case. My son will specifically ask to use his “nose sucker” throughout the day when he’s uncomfortable or his nose is draining.

Grownsy Nasal Aspirator for Baby & Toddler

*We tried the Nose Frida (I know some people love it) but my baby absolutely hated it and it always felt very forceful, not cleanest (since you have to put it in your mouth), and it also made me nauseated to use. It creates the allusion that your sucking the snot into your own mouth which isn’t very comforting and worse when you’re sick yourself.

4. Chest Rub: Part of our bedtime routine that helps open sinuses and ease discomfort.

Tubby Todd Organic Chest Rub– We’ve used it for years and it’s part of our bedtime routine when feeling congested. It helps open the sinuses and ease discomfort.

Zarbee’s Baby Soothing Chest Rub– This seems like a similar option that’s easier to get last minute. No Artificial fragrances, petroleum, or dyes.

5. Fever Reducer: This is important to have on hand, especially for those middle of the night temperature spikes.

Genexa is one of my go to brands for medicine for children. They call themselves the “first clean medicine company.” Often we don’t realize all the artificial additives in medicines, but there can be a lot. Their acetaminophen is free of artificial dyes, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, and fillers. Phew, that’s a lot better than the ones we typically find on the store shelves.

Genexa Infant Acetaminophen

Genexa Kids Acetaminophen

6. Supplemental Fluids: For the times your child needs hydration but is refusing everything.

KinderLyte is a great alternative to Pedialyte. I like to keep a bottle or two on hand incase our little one is refusing other fluids or is dehydrated and needs the added electrolytes. “KinderLyte hydrates 3x faster than water alone without the use of artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors, or preservatives.” This is ideal for times your kiddo is having diarrhea, vomiting, or taking in less fluids from a rough cold. Not to mention it can feel like a special treat if your kiddo isn’t used to having “juices.”

How to incorporate these items into your daily routine

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