Benefits of baking with your child

One of my son’s favorite things to do together is bake. We’ve been doing it since he was an infant and I was holding him in my arms explaining each step. It’s something we do a few times a week and sometimes daily depending on the season.

It’s truly been a blessing and inspiring getting to do this with him. He’s pushed my limits in terms of recipes and baking knowledge and we’ve created things that I would’ve never dreamt up myself like blueberry apple pie, soft pretzels, “gruffalo pie,” and so much more. His imagination has led us to create some of the most delicious baked goods.

I recognize that baking together may not always fit into the schedule or seem like the best/easiest way to spend time together, BUT hear me out.

Benefits of baking together

-Sometimes, especially in the toddler world, parents can seem more like the boss. However, when you’re actively working together to accomplish a recipe, spills and all, you’re connected and working as a team. This gives so much equity to your relationship and gives your child an opportunity to see you trying something new, too. It’s an awesome way to connect and practice taking turns.

-Innately it’s a sensory activity that’s both delicious and nutritious. My son doesn’t always love to get his hands messy, but with baking, he doesn’t even think about it. He’s quick to dive into the gooey dough and messy batter.

Counting, measuring, creativity, use of fine motor skills, decision making, listening, patience, and so much more. The skills you use and refine through baking are endless.

-One awesome thing about baking is the satisfaction in the results. You’re toddler can see how working hard at something can yield exciting results… and yummy ones too.

– A lot of our baking we do for health reasons. I often can’t find items in stores with healthy ingredients such as pancakes, doughs, and granola bars. Instead of conceding to the preservatives and seed oils, we bake healthy ones together and freeze them to take out when we want them. We do a lot of cooking together for this reason too. It’s a win win.

-We love to bake for others! We usually double the recipes so we have plenty to deliver to friends and family. It’s fun to bake together, but seeing the surprise and excitement when we deliver treats is priceless. It has created a sense of generosity in my son and I see how these little acts of kindness have inspired him to come up with his own ideas on how to show kindness to others.

Ultimately, baking together has countless benefits. It’s fun, educational, and we are creating healthy food options that I don’t have to take the time to make on my own.

If you’re curious on where to start: Ways to bake/cook together with your toddler

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